The trouble with this single-entry format is that it freights the entry with too much significance - OMG! it's the whole front page! - and thereby disincentivises writing anything at all. Which is why, for example, you've had no capsule review of the first round of Chums & Fans frolics at the Vauxhall Tavern, which is basically a lot of fucked-up fun, very Leigh Bowery, with a bit of choreographic recycling (notably from Smithereens) and a generally truculent, in-yer-face punky demeanour. I'm looking forward to the next five episodes a lot.<br><br>And then, also, WT2 looks too much like a photoblog, which means I end up posting pics, which is fine in moderation but not ultimately what I want the place to be. So, while I should probably add the last tranche of Galàpagos pics, the truth is they've been up for weeks elsewhere, so go and look there instead...<br>The next few weeks promise a lot of school writing - it's first year report time - which could as easily absorb all my energy or drive me to post diversionary fluff daily. Time, as ever, will tell. russian roulette galapagos pictures