If you'd been paying attention -- which, rest assured, is not expected around here -- you might have noticed an air of uncertainty about the place, an ambivalence, a purposelessness, a lack of conviction. I thought I had some sense of what the new walkytalky might be, but it seems I overestimated my commitment to making it so, and perhaps also my ability to do that even were I to have available the necessary time and energy. Instead, more than a month down the line, all I have to show is just another floundering, pointless non-weblog -- a dreary parade of random ineffectual doodling and vapidity.

Sorry about that.

Perhaps things will change -- I like to image that wt2 might find its feet eventually -- perhaps they won't. An ignominious return to the same old same old can't be ruled out, any more than can terminal atrophy.

As always, I promising nothing...